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    Services for transport companies, technical centers, and car dealerships

    SMS Traffic's solutions ensure that customers in the road transport industry and service companies are informed in a timely and meaningful way about a wide range of personal vehicle purchasing, maintenance, and service-related events. Personal contact with the target audience strengthens the loyalty of the existing customer base and increases the effectiveness of related sales.

    SMS, E-mail, and voice mailing services remain the most cost-effective and personalized way of communication between car dealerships, car service companies, and vehicle owners:

    • Notifications on the availability of the vehicle
    • Notification of pre-order status
    • Notification of order status
    • Notification of scheduled maintenance under guarantee
    • Registration for seasonal maintenance, tire service
    • Notification on completion of service, repair
    • SMS support for car owners participating in discount programs, loyalty systems
    • SMS-invitations for test-driving
    • Notifications on promotional and marketing events

    In addition to informing customers on issues related to the purchase and maintenance of vehicles, SMS Traffic information services provide the implementation of customer feedback to the supplier:

    • SMS call-back service. Communication with the customer on request
    • Notifications on questions related to vehicle purchase on credit
    • Informing about vehicle insurance
    • Vehicle Rental Notices
    • Informing about Trade-in issues
    • SMS surveys
    • Reception of messages with offers and claims

    Personalization of communication with the customer via SMS channel is done by contacting the customer by a specified name. To identify the sender, it is possible to determine the name of the company initiating the mailing for feedback, the telephone number of the hotline, the reply of the subscriber by SMS the number of the return SMS channel.

    An archive of newsletter results is stored in the customer's myAlpari located in the secure section of the SMS Traffic website. The SMS Traffic technology platform provides the ability to manage mailings from myAlpari, segment customer groups by specific parameters, and save mailing statistics for further analysis.

    SMS Traffic SMS, E-mail, and voice mailing services are applicable for organizing interactive communications between passengers and enterprises of air, rail, and water transport and serve as an efficient tool for efficient interaction of employees of transport departments:

    • Informing passengers about flight status
    • Informing flight personnel and service departments
    • Notification of the operational status of IT systems of transport enterprises
    • SMS support for passenger participation in loyalty programs
    • Informing about marketing and promotional actions for passengers
    Order a callback and we will call you back and answer all your questions
    Order a callback and we will call you back and answer all your questions
    Calculation of the cost of the parcel
    Choose a newsletter
    Number of subscribers
    Number of mailings per month
    Localization of SMS
    Characters in the message
    Service traffic, %
    Service traffic need for... Unit of calculation: %
    Service traffic, %
    Transition traffic need for... Unit of calculation: %
    The share of advertising traffic will be: The share of advertising traffic will be: 100 %
    Выгода: 0 руб.
    14.11 в 3:00-4:00 возможно кратковременное прерывание оказания услуг Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center.
    Уважаемый клиент! Сообщаем Вам что 14.11.17 с 3:00 до 4:00 возможно прерывание оказания услуг, в связи с работами в датацентре. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center.
    Уважаемый клиент! Сообщаем Вам что 14.11.2017 с 3:00 до 4:00 возможно прерывание оказания услуг не более 1 минуты, в связи с работами проводимыми в датацентре. Телефон технической поддержки +7 (495) 787-35-95 Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center.
    Уважаемый клиент! Сообщаем Вам что 14.11.2017 с 3:00 до 4:00 возможно прерывание оказания услуг не более 1 минуты, в связи с работами проводимыми в датацентре на площадке М9. По всем вопросам обращайтесь в техническую поддержку по телефону +7 (495) 787-35-95 Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center.
    Уважаемый клиент! Сообщаем Вам что 14.11.2017 с 3:00 до 4:00 возможно прерывание оказания услуг не более 1 минуты, в связи с работами проводимыми в датацентре на площадке М9. По всем вопросам обращайтесь в техническую поддержку по телефону +7 (495) 787-35-95 Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center. Dear Customer! We inform you that 14.11.2017 from 3:00 to 4:00 may interrupt the provision of services no more than 1 minute in connection with the work carried out in the data center.